The 4-H Community would like to thank you for your support of Franklin County 4-H youth by buying their livestock projects at the county fair.  They learn so much from completing and competing that goes far beyond simply raising an animal, which in and of itself is a tremendous amount of work.  Your support provides not only monetary value to the exhibitors but also increases their self-confidence and leadership skills they can use throughout their lives.   Much of the money you provide these kids goes right back into the cost of raising that animal.  Some money may for example, help pay for a camp experience or be saved for college.  Without you, they could not accomplish what they do.

We are excited for the 2025 fair season.  The 4-H members are working hard to raise animals, and they will show them at the Franklin County Jr. Fair Livestock shows.  The committee plans on having a live auction including the youth and animals to walk through the sale ring. The auction will be on SUNDAY, July 20, 2025, in the Burke Building, at 1 PM.

Here is the plan:

  1. The auction will be a premium-only sale.  This means as a buyer you will pay the premium bid only.  (Example:  If you bid $200 for an animal, that is what you pay.)

  2. If you want to purchase meat you will need to place your name on our registration list,  first come, first serve. This includes Poultry meat.

  3. You can donate to a specific youth or donate to our general donation fund. If donating to a specific youth, you need to add that youth’s name otherwise monies will be added to the general fund. General funds will be divided up among the participating youth for each project. We hope you or your organization will be able to budget toward purchasing the kids’ projects. Please fill out the form that is attached and return it with your generous donations. 

There will be a buyers’ luncheon starting at Noon until the auction begins.  Let‘s continue to work together to make this a winning experience for our 4-H youth.  It is through your generous support that these youth can continue doing what they do “To Make the Best Better.”

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Melissa Dickson at 419.778.9117 or George Smith at 614.620.6032 or email us: