Franklin County Agricultural Society
2025 Campgrounds Regulations & Permit Application
Understand the regulations before completing the application.
Completing an application does not secure a site. For more details refer to numbers 6, 13 and 14.
The camper move-in date is Friday, July 11, 2025 4:00 to 8:00 pm
Applications for camping must be completed online by May 12th to be included in the first-round selection process.
Campsites are non-transferable.
No changes can be made to the length of the unit once the application has been submitted.
Non-potable water is available. A hose and Y connector are required. No sewer hookups are available. Sewage removal will be offered by an outside company at least 2 times during the fair week.
Location assignments are set by the Franklin County Agricultural Society (FCAS) Board of Directors camper committee. Any attempt to change or move the assigned location is terms for removal from campgrounds. Applicants understand that there is no guarantee that you will or will not be parked next to your request since space is at a premium and camper size is taken into consideration.
Large Animal Livestock, Horse Exhibitors, Sr. Fair Board members will be given preference for camping sites. Other details are taken into consideration including camper size, number of amps needed, fair commitments, etc…
Livestock trailers are allowed in the campgrounds if the trailer is not going to be used for move-in and it has been cleaned after hauling livestock the last time it was used. Once it is in the campground, it will be required to stay until the end of the camping period.
After selections are made, applicants will be notified as decisions are made after the deadline. Everyone MAY NOT be notified on the same day, as it is a process.
If you are offered a camping site, the payment of $275.00 fee must be received by June 1 (or date given at the time of notice) to secure your site. A check can be mailed to Franklin County Ag Society, PO Box 6, Hilliard, OH 43026, check or cash taken to the fair office at 4100 Columbia Street or contact the fair office at 614-876-7235 to pay over the phone with a credit card (with a 3% convenience fee).
Payment after June 1, will result in either loss of space or a $25.00 late fee.
All vehicles must provide proof of insurance at the time of payment, by providing a copy or with an email attachment. Proof of Liability insurance usually can be found on the Declaration Page of your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy. This proof must have the name of the campground applicant, address, current policy dates, and stated personal liability amount. If you are renting a camper, it is your responsibility to show coverage.
A Vehicle Delivery Pass (VDP) will automatically be issued with each camping permit to be used on a passenger vehicle. Individuals wishing to make deliveries (food, ice, etc.) to their camper will be subject to all specific limitations of fairgrounds entry. This pass allows for quick drop-off. The VDP allows entry after 11 pm and before 11 am only, NO EXCEPTIONS. One VDP per camper this year.
A waiting list will be created for applications that were not allocated a space during the first round selection process. Those on the wait list will be contacted if space becomes available (often it depends on the size of the camper that is being replaced).
After the first round selection process is complete, the remaining available space(s) may be allocated to non-livestock exhibitors with priority given to Junior Fair Exhibitors with the farthest to travel or due to fair volunteer hours.
Each person in the camper will be required to have a week-long pass: a season pass, a Franklin County Agricultural Society membership, an advisor pass, or a junior fair pass.
FCAS reserves the right to cancel a contract at any time and reserves the right to refuse or reject applications for camping. FCAS will not be held responsible for accidents of any sort.
Camper move-in is Friday, July 11, 2025 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Pull in Gate 5 to the campgrounds. You will receive a packet at that time that will include your camper permit, a delivery pass, information on the waste removal days/times/cost/how to pay for the waste removal.
Campers are not permitted to bring golf carts, ATVs or any other similar form of transportation on the fairgrounds.
Permit holders must adhere to the following from the time of camper move-in until the camper is dismissed:
When you arrive you will be given a camper permit, which must be placed in full view in the front window of the camper.
The camping unit must be pulled in or backed into the site, depending on the space available, making sure extenders and awnings are on your site. The unit must not extend into the aisle.
Fire lanes must be kept open at all times.
FCAS insurance policy states, no straw, hay, or shavings are permitted in the campgrounds. No vehicles will be permitted to park in the campgrounds, drop off only. Violations of either of these may result in removal of the items at the owner’s expense.
No campers can be placed on blocks.
No construction trailers will be permitted.
No dumping of any kind, including runoff of gray water from campers!!
The following are prohibited: Bicycles, skateboards, segways, scooters, other similar devices or personal golf carts unless given a FCAS permit.
No drones without required FCAS permission.
No animals/pets in the camping area. No dogs are allowed on the grounds the week of the fair unless it is a certified service dog. A service dog must be marked on the application.
Campfires or open fires of any type of container are not permitted.
No generators are permitted in the campgrounds (due to Fire Marshall).
No pools including kiddie pools are allowed in the campgrounds.
Curfew hours are 12:00 am. The fairgrounds, including campgrounds, closes at 11:30 pm, all unauthorized persons must leave at that time. Campground quiet hours are Monday – Thursday 11:00 pm to sunrise. Friday & Saturday 12:00 am to sunrise.
Any disturbance requiring the intervention of the Sheriff’s Department will constitute a reason for dismissal from campgrounds and loss of campground privileges in future years.
No campers will be permitted to be removed before 8:00 pm the final day of the fair (Sun July 20th 2025).
Any exception to the foregoing rules must have prior written approval. Otherwise, violations will be considered as a basis for expulsion from the fairgrounds, forfeiture of any camping fees paid, and forfeiture of any future camping privileges.
Campers must be removed by July 21, 2025 at noon.
The majority of the campground is equipped with 20 amp connections. The application is for a 20 amp connection. There are a limited number of 30 amp commercial electrical outlets in campgrounds. The committee reserves the right to assign these to specific campers. It may be necessary for campers to provide a converter to 20 amp.
Recognize that the electricity will be shared and trying to run the air-conditioner along with curling iron, crockpot, and other items at the same time will likely blow the circuit. Be wise in your electricity usage.
Campers must provide a Y connection and necessary hoses if using water. Although water is city water because it is delivered via frost-free type hydrates, the Franklin County Board of Health considers the water to be non-potable (not safe for drinking or cooking).
Campers must furnish their own grounded 3-wire cord, which may be inspected. Campers with built-in generators may use them. There will not be any generators provided by FCAS.
2025 Camping Permit Application
First round applications accepted from January 1 through May 12