Help Us Fill Our Piggy Bank!
It is time for us to purchase new large animal livestock pens for the Franklin County Fair. Each pen cost 500.00. We must purchase the pens in sets of four (4). The current animal pens are 30+ years old and need to be replaced.
Goal: $50,000
Pen Replacement Priority List
1. Swine
2. Sheep
3. Goats
Donation Information
If you are interested in donating to our pen replacement campaign, you can send a check payable to the Franklin County Agricultural Society-Pen Donation, P.O. Box 6 Hilliard, Ohio 43026. Please put Pen Campaign in the subject line. Sponsor recognition will be displayed based on donation level on a permanent in the livestock building(s).
The junior fair community would like to thank you for your continued support of Franklin County 4-H youth. If you have questions about this project, please contact the Livestock Sale Committee: frcolivestocksale@yahoo.com.
Franklin County Junior Fair registration will be online by May 1, 2025
Junior Fair is to promote the interests of Franklin County youth (4-H and Scouts) through educational exhibits and activities at the Franklin County Fair.