Theme:  Celebrate the Red, White, and Blue

Grand Marshal:  Libby Gierach

Date:  July 4, 2024

Time:  9:00 am

Route:  Exit left from fairgrounds (Main Street/Avery Curve), continue on Main Street, left on Cemetery Road, left on Norwich Street, then parade vehicles will turn right and exit through fairgrounds via Columbia Street.

Prizes awarded this year to:

Best of Parade - Plaque and $500

Most Patriotic - Plaque and $500

Best Nonprofit - Plaque and $500

Registration is MANDATORY this year.  If you do not pre-register via the form below, unfortunately you cannot participate in the parade. Floats and lots of decorating are encouraged, only decorated vehicles will be permitted to participate.  Should you have a valid reason to request an exclusion to this mandate, please contact us for review.

As pre-registration is so important this year, if you do not receive a confirmation e-mail of your registration within 5 business days, please e-mail july4hilliardparade@yahoo.com

We look forward to seeing the entries this year and are excited to celebrate!


2024 Hilliard Parade

The Franklin County Agricultural Society would like to thank you for registering to be a participant in this year’s 4th of July Hilliard Parade!

  • DO Display or Present your Registration # to the Judges located to your left at the underpass on Cemetery Rd.

    • DO Have Fun & Be Safe!!!!

    • DON’T Throw ANYTHING

    • DON’T Smoke

    • DON’T Use Squirt Guns

    • DON’T Stop (please do your best to prevent gaps during the parade route)

    • DO keep moving at the end of the parade, please DON’T stop and unload your float/vehicle until you have followed the path to the end

    • Staging is from 6:30am – 8:00am on the fairgrounds

    • Position in the parade is first come, first served (i.e. the earlier you get to the grounds, the earlier in the parade you will be)

    • Restrooms will be available

    • E-mail july4hilliardparade@yahoo.com with any questions or requests for exceptions for any of the registration guidelines

  • Award winners will be contacted and awards will be available for pick-up at the Franklin County Fairgrounds Office during normal business hours.